Road Attributes
  • 20 Jun 2024
  • 14 Minutes to read
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Road Attributes

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Article summary

Road attributes refers to different categories of information that help navigation systems calculate the best route to a destination.  

These categories of information include:

  • FOW: Physical structure of a road. Used to indicate if a road is a roundabout, an entrance to a car park, a slip road, etc. 
  • FRC: Categorizes roads based on importance as constructed, designed, and intended by official authorities. FRC is intended to be a display attribute, but some customers use it for routing. 
  • N2C: Classification based on the importance that the constituting roads have in the total road network. Best suitable for routing purposes in products.  
  • Back Road: indicates if a road does not belong to the road network used for normal vehicle-based travel/traffic. 
  • Restricted Access: Indicates whether access to a road is restricted to authorized individuals. 
  • Speed Limits: indicates the maximum legal speed at which vehicles are allowed to travel.
  • Road Condition: indicates the state of the surface of a road.

Note: ACC is a US-only attribute and cannot be edited in Vertex. If your edit fails due to an ACC error, please Send to Expert. Alternately, you can use Suggest an Edit if you are changing road attribution in the US that will require a change to the ACC value.

Enable road attribute layers

Enabling a road attribute layer color codes each road line according to its assigned attribute value.

  1. On the side toolbar, click Map Data.
  2. Under Map Features, select the Roads checkbox.
    1. NOTE: if the checkbox is unavailable, on the side toolbar, click Zoom In.
  3. In the bottom left corner of the map, hold the pointer over Road Attributes.
  4. Click the button for the desired layer.
    1. To clear the road attribute layer, click No Selection.
  5. For a list of attribute values and the colors associated with them, below the side toolbar, click Legend.

Edit Functional Road Class (FRC)

When you add a road line in Vertex, the FRCis automatically populated based on the feature type you choose (e.g., Residential Road is FRCLocal Road Of Minor Importance). There may be situations where the default road value is not correct (e.g., the road line you added is a dead-end road, and should be assigned Local Road Of Minor Importance or Other Road, but was assigned Local Road), but you can change each of the attributes before you save and upload the new road line. Always check the FRCto confirm it is correct. If it is not, update the road line(s). For details on FRCvalues see Road attribute values > Functional Road Class (FRC) below. For more information on FRC, see the Functional Road Class in Vertex course.

  1. Click the road line.
  2. In the Edit Feature panel, under Functional Road Class, select the appropriate value.
  3. On the top toolbar, click Save.
  4. If desired, enter a note to yourself about the edit.
    1. NOTE: This note is for your use only and will not be sent on to other editors.
  5. Click Upload.

Functional Road Class (FRC) Values

Values in bold are ones you are most likely to edit in Vertex.

  • Other Road - All other roads that are less important for the navigation system, such as walkways, bicycle paths, pedestrian tunnels, stairs, etc.
  • Local Road Of Minor Importance - All roads that only have a destination function
  • Local Road - All roads used to travel within a part of a settlement or roads of minor connecting importance in a rural area
  • Local Road Of High Importance - All roads that on the local level are the main connections in a settlement or that represent frequently used rural connections. These are roads where important through traffic is possible
  • Local Connecting Road - All roads that make each settlement or parts (north, south, east, west and central) of a settlement accessible
  • Secondary Road - All roads used to travel between different parts of the same region
  • Other Major Road - All roads used to travel between neighboring regions of a country
  • Major Road Of High Importance - All roads of high importance (but not officially assigned as motorways) that are part of a connection used for international and national traffic and transport
  • Motorway - All roads that are officially designated as members of an internationally, nationally, and/or regionally important network of limited-access highways

Edit Form of Way (FOW)

When you add a road line in Vertex, the FOWis automatically populated based on the feature type you choose (e.g., a Walkway feature type is assigned FOW Walkway). There may be situations where the default road value is not correct (e.g., the road line is FOW Stairs but was assigned FOW Walkway) but you can change each of the attributes before you save and upload the new road line. Always check the FOWvalue to confirm it is correct. If it is not, update the road line(s). For details on FOWvalues see Road attributes values > Form of Way (FOW) below. For more information on FOW, see the Form of Way in Vertex course.

  1. Click the road line.
  2. In the Edit Feature panel, under Form of Way, select the appropriate value.
  3. On the top toolbar, click Save.
  4. If desired, enter a note to yourself about the edit.
    1. NOTE: This note is for your use only and will not be sent on to other editors.
  5. Click Upload.

Form of Way (FOW) Values

Values in bold are ones you are most likely to edit in Vertex.

  • Connector - Road on a dual carriageway or between service roads on opposite sides of a dual carriageway that is (exclusively) used to make a U-turn
  • Cul-de-sac - Circular road at the end of a dead-end road. Must have a barrier at the center with a diameter =< 75 meters
  • Dual Carriageway - Road that is split up for more than 40 meters and each side is opposite driving directions
  • Entrance To Or Exit From A Car Park - Roads designed to give access to/exit from a parking area
  • ETA Gallery - A covered shopping street or passage
  • ETA Parking Area - Road in a parking area where the geometry cannot be clearly defined
  • ETA Parking Building - Road in a parking structure where the geometry cannot be clearly defined
  • Major Slip Road - Connects roads at different levels
  • Parallel Road - Runs parallel to a freeway and gives access to a major slip road and freeway
  • Road For Authorities - Road only open for emergency vehicles; can also be used by breakdown services and highway construction vehicles
  • Road In Enclosed Traffic Area - Roads where the real traffic flow (geometry) cannot be defined
  • Road In Pedestrian Zone - Roads designed especially for pedestrians
  • Roundabout - A ring (often circular) with one-way traffic flow and at least 2 roads connected to the ring
  • Service Road - Runs parallel to a non-freeway and connects main road with destinations
  • Single Carriageway - All roads for which no other FOW can be defined; this is the most common FOW option
  • Small Major Slip Road - Small slip road which is part of a major slip road
  • Small Slip Road - Used to avoid a crossing, has one-way traffic flow, and must be at least 7.5 meters long
  • Special Traffic Figure - Roundabout-like construction (same experience as driving on a roundabout), but does not require one-way traffic flow and must have at least 2 roads attached to it
  • Stairs - Represents a road where steps or stairs are present along the road that might hinder wheelchairs or bicycles; examples are access to tunnel under a railway or a bridge over a motorway, carriageway, or water
  • Walkway - A road for pedestrians or bicycle path

Edit Net 2 Class (N2C)

When you add a road line in Vertex, the N2Cis automatically populated based on the feature type you choose (e.g., Residential Road is Net 2 Class 6). There may be situations where the default road value is not correct (e.g., the road line you added is a dead-end road, Net 2 Class 6), but you can change each of the attributes before you save and upload the new road line. Always check the N2Cto confirm it is correct. If it is not, update the value. For details on N2Cvalues, see Road attribute values > Net 2 Class (N2C) below. For more information on N2C, see the Net 2 Class in Vertex course.

  1. Click the road line.
  2. In the Edit Feature panel, under Net 2 Class, select the appropriate value.
  3. On the top toolbar, click Save.
  4. If desired, enter a note to yourself about the edit.
    1. NOTE: This note is for your use only and will not be sent on to other editors.
  5. Click Upload.

Net 2 Class (N2C) Values

Net 2 Class values 1-4 differ in urban versus rural areas. If a road with Net 2 Class value 1-4 requires an update, use Suggest an Edit.

Values in bold are ones you are most likely to edit in Vertex.

  • Net 2 Class 1 - (Rural) Roads of high importance that are part of a road network used for international and national traffic and transport
  • Net 2 Class 2 - (Rural) Roads used to travel between neighboring parts of a country and of neighboring countries
  • Net 2 Class 3 - (Rural) The most important roads used to travel between different regions of the country; roads making settlements accessible; roads making different parts of a settlement accessible; main connections within a settlement; and main connecting roads in rural environments
  • Net 2 Class 4 - (Rural) Roads making minor settlements accessible; roads used to travel within a part of a settlement; and local roads of minor or a non-connecting function in rural areas
  • Net 2 Class 5 - Roads that are only used to reach a certain address or destination
  • Net 2 Class 6 - Local roads accessible for traffic but with a minor function. Examples includes unpaved/bad condition roads with no connectivity function, only a destination function; roads in 30 km/h (18 mph) zones in residential areas
  • Net 2 Class 7 - Inaccessible for normal traffic (e.g., roads only accessible for residents, private roads, roads inaccessible for normal cars, walkways, inaccessible pedestrian roads, roads only accessible for public transport, pathways, and inaccessible back roads); roads with Rough Road Attribution 

Edit the Back Roads value

When you add a road line in Vertex, the Back Roads field is automatically populated based on the feature type you choose (e.g., Delivery Vehicle Road is Back Road). If the default value is not correct, change it before you save and upload the new road line. For details on Back Roads values, see Road attribute values > Back Roads below.

  1. Click the road line.
  2. In the Edit Feature panel, under Back Roads, select the appropriate value.
  3. On the top toolbar, click Save.
  4. If desired, enter a note to yourself about the edit.
    1. NOTE: This note is for your use only and will not be sent on to other editors.
  5. Click Upload.

Back Roads Values

Back Road

All other back roads that are roads of no importance (e.g., all back roads not belonging to one of the above specified types), such as:

    • Roads with a very bad surface that do not lead to an addressed destination or a destination associated with a tourist or leisure highlight
    • Roads in bad condition used to serve the primary sector, such as forestry, agriculture, mining, or oil drilling; these roads are only used by vehicles specially used or designed for their related activities
    • Forest paths
    • Tracks
    • Hiking paths
    • Entrances to houses

Such roads do not have an official name and are from different source material than "Unaddressable Path" geometry.

Destination Road

Roads for addressing purposes, such as:

    • Roads with a very bad surface leading to small hamlets or individual houses, situated off traffic arteries; the use of these roads is mainly restricted to residents
    • Roads with a very bad surface that do not lead to an addressed destination or to a destination associated with a tourist or leisure highlight but that have an official street name
    • Roads that are not part of the regular road network and that have the sole function of providing access to or exit from a parking facility for housing blocks of which the address refers to the regular road network

Roads for leisure or tourist purposes, such as:

    • Roads in good condition specially designed for leisure activities
    • Roads leading to a local or regional highlight, regardless of their condition

Not A Back Road

Roads that do not have the characteristics of a back road

Primary Sector Service Road

Roads in good condition used to serve the primary sector, such as forestry, agriculture, mining, or oil drilling. These roads are mainly used by vehicles specially used or designed for their related activities

"Good condition" can mean paved or unpaved, but the condition must be good enough to be used by any driver without hesitation.

Edit the Speed Limits value

Access the Speed Limits page to know more.

Edit the Restricted Access value

When you add a road line in Vertex, there are no Restricted Access values added. You must add the appropriate restrictions using the Restricted Access field in the Edit Feature panel. For details on Restricted Access values, see Road attribute values > Restricted Access below.

  1. Click the road line.
  2. In the Edit Feature panel, under Restricted Access, select the appropriate value.
  3. On the top toolbar, click Save.
  4. If desired, enter a note to yourself about the edit.
    1. NOTE: This note is for your use only and will not be sent on to other editors.
  5. Click Upload.

Restricted Access Values

  • Authorized Personnel Only - Roads for authorized personnel or authorized vehicles only (e.g., roads inside military bases)
  • Employees Only - Roads for employees only (e.g., employee entrance/exit from a limited-access highway rest area or toll facility)
  • Generic Restricted Access - Roads for authorized individuals only; value is used when the specific Restricted Access value is unknown or the restriction does not fall into one of the above categories
  • Members Only - Roads for members and guests only (e.g., roads inside private country clubs)
  • Not Restricted Access - Access to these roads is not restricted to authorized individuals (e.g., special permission is not needed to use the road and/or there are no physical signs indicating the road is closed to the public). Most roads fall into this category.
  • Residents Only - Roads for residents and guests only (e.g., roads inside gated communities)

Edit the Road Condition value

When you add a road line in Vertex, the Road Condition field is automatically populated as Paved. If the default value is not correct, change it before you save and upload the new road line. For details on Road Condition values, see Road attribute values > Road Condition below.

  1. Click the road line.
  2. In the Edit Feature panel, under Road Condition, select the appropriate value.
  3. On the top toolbar, click Save.
  4. If desired, enter a note to yourself about the edit.
    1. NOTE: This note is for your use only and will not be sent on to other editors.
  5. Click Upload.

Road Condition Values


Indicates a road surface covered in hard material such as asphalt, concrete, etc.


Indicates a road surface covered in material such as dirt, gravel, etc.

Poor Condition

Indicates a road surface that is in a state of disrepair.

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